Frank Mondeose

A contemporary voice on Love, Eros & Relating

A contemporary voice on Love, Eros & Relating, Frank Mondeose embodies both play and pray, which is reflected on his YouTube web series “The Spiritual Playboy”.

Lead faculty with ISTA, the International Schools of Temple Arts, co-founder of ReMENber Brotherhood Journey, Shamanic Minister for Venus Rising Association for Transformation, and creator of the lifestyle brand Monde Osé, Frank has touched the hearts, and minds of many, whether it be through tantalizing their imaginations at his multi-sensorial events, to inspirational interactions that have navigated people to accessing their personal power.

Frank holds an unapologetic, no-nonsense container. It is a space to step out of one’s comfort zone, and meet their edges in a compassionately ruthless manner. His containers are solidly held, in a protected and safe environment where all emotions and expressions are welcome and celebrated.

Frank is currently teaching Sexual Shamanism in over 10 countries including Canada, United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, Iceland, England, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, and Turkey.

You can experience Frank in a one on one session, a passionate lecture, 5h intensive workshops, and/or week long immersive trainings where he specializes in the following areas:

  • Helping singles and couples live more ecstatic lifestyles
  • Bridging the gap between traditional relationships and modern sexuality
  • Remembering Love
  • Understanding the spiritual elements of sexuality
  • Discovering the New Awakening Masculine
  • Honouring the Resurrecting Feminine

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CONNECTION is your entry way into the Love & Eros curriculum.

This lesson offers you practical instruction on how to use breath, sound and movement to connect and come alive. These are the cornerstones of Love & Eros.


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